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How to Hide Carpet Stains Until The Pros Arrive?

Feb 8, 2024 | Stain Removal

Spills tend to happen anytime, anywhere. Sometimes, you are ready to tackle them head-on or have enough time to call the experts equipped to do that. But what about times you don’t have enough time to clean the stain?

The only option is to hide the stains until the pros arrive. In this blog, we have discussed some ideas to help you do that and conceal the ugly stain mark on your carpet until you get professional help.

Top 5 Ways to Hide Carpet Stains Until The Pros Arrive

1. Act Quickly

The easiest way to hide a stain is to prevent the spill from staining the carpet. You need to act quickly and blot the spill before it gets inside the carpet fibres. So blot the stain as soon as possible with a clean microfiber cloth.

It will stop the spill from spreading further into the carpet and prevent excess damage. Also, avoid scrubbing the spill while blotting, as it can push the stain deeper and make it more evident.

2. Cover Odour with Baking Soda

Even after you completely remove stains like pet urine and eggnog spills, their unpleasant odour persists. To prevent this, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the stained area and let it sit for a while.

Vacuum the powder after a few hours. It will remove the unpleasant smell from your carpet and remove traces of the stain as best as it can before you can get professional help.

3. Treat With Warm, Soapy Water

Stains and spills occur frequently on the carpet. You can remove stains from the carpet by preparing a cleaning solution with liquid detergent and water. Dampen a cloth with the solution and dab the stained area with it.

The cloth will absorb the spill and conceal the stain. But avoid over-saturating the stained area with water if you fail to hide the stain. Wait for the experts to handle the stain properly and prevent any long-term problems.

4. Use Club Soda for Red Wine Spills

Red wine spills are the most common stains on carpets before any event. So you need to know a quick hack to hide the wine stains for a while. Simply pour some club soda over the stained area and let it lift the stain.

This hack will work for fresh wine spills as the bubbles will lift the wine from carpet fibres. Blot the liquid quickly using a microfiber cloth or paper towel. Repeat the process to lighten the stain sufficiently.

5. Cover Up the Stain

When all else fails, you can simply cover up the stain with something. You have many options available to do that. The most viable alternatives are area rugs and pieces of furniture.

But you can also use boxes and potted plants for the task if you have no other choice. The goal is not to ignore the stain but to hide it until you can get professional treatment.

Bottom Line

You can cover up the stains with these methods. But you should remember that these are just temporary solutions. The long-term solution is to get the stain treated by our experts as soon as possible. It will prevent staining on the carpet and help maintain its pristine appearance.

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